E kore e taea e te whenu kotahi
Ki te raranga i te whāriki
Kia mohio tātou ki a tātou
Ma te mahi tahi o ngā whenu, ma te mahi tahi o ngā kairaranga, ka oti tēnei whāriki

The tapestry of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone.
Only by the working together of strands, and the working together of weavers, will such a tapestry be completed.

About Te Whāriki o te Ara Oranga

Te Whāriki o te Ara Oranga is a new network for giving and receiving mātauranga - knowledge - and sharing great ideas to improve mental health and addiction services. It is a way for innovators, influencers and leaders to come together to hui, wānanga and innovate.

The objective is on-the-ground-transformation led by people who plan, manage and fund services, clinical and lived experience leaders and innovators and influencers of all kinds. Achieving equitable health outcomes for Māori is integral to this goal.

Whāriki enables:

A safe place, Whāriki brings people together to improve services for tāngata whai ora and whānau. It is an opportunity for Aotearoa to lead the world in mental health and addiction services. Owned and driven by its members who share their successes and even failures, a small team supports the network.

great ideas, evidence
and resources

from each other

for faster transformation


He Ara Oranga called for a system focused on wellbeing that makes the most of existing talent and builds capability and relationships. Whāriki responds to this call – a dynamic, working network to share innovation and learning. It recognises systemic change cannot occur in isolation, and that the sector has an exciting opportunity to create real change.

The Ministry of Health has engaged Te Pou to develop and support Whāriki and is working with the Health Quality and Safety Commission on this programme.


Build relationships with others making a difference
Be inspired by innovation across Aotearoa
Accelerate learning through access to successful initiatives
Lead transformation
Find resources, people & events to support your work & team
Profile excellence in your communities


The network’s current focus in mental health & addiction is:

Equity for Māori
Expanding access and choice

Each focus area has resources, initiatives and events in that area. Members will identify new themes that are important to them over time.